Easy Street Winter/Spring FL schedule 05-06

The following is a schedule of Mark and Lisa's public performances in Florida from Nov. 05 through April of '06.
(For audio clips and sample songlist, please paste into your browser): http://www.jaygoodley.com/live/entertainerProfile.aspx?entertainerId=42
We have many other performances at retirement communities, but since they are generally private, we dont list them here. You can contact us for details on these by emailing us at LisaBrande at juno dot com(please put into standard format).
Wed. Nov. 23 2005
Clearwater Farmer's Market, City Hall pkg. lot,Osceola Street, downtown Clearwater FL 11am-1PM.
Fri. Dec. 2, 2005:
St. Armands Circle Holiday Walk, Sarasota FL 6-9PM, on the circle
Wed. Dec. 7, 2005:
Sounds of Sarasota, interview and performance, Glenridge Performing Arts Center, Sarasota FL. Free. 3-4pm.
Wed. Jan. 4, 2006
Clearwater Farmers Mkt.,City Hall pkg. lot,Osceola Street, downtown Clearwater, FL 11am-1pm
Wed. Feb. 1, 2006:
Clearwater Farmers Mkt.,City Hall pkg. lot,Osceola Street, downtown Clearwater, FL 11am-1pm
Friday Feb. 3, 2006
Easy Street and Friends; 2-3pm set, at the Snobird and Cracker Bluegrass Festival in Arcadia, FL (www.snobirdandcracker.com).
Thurs. Feb. 23, 2006:
Phillipi Park Gazebo Brown Bag Lunch Concert, Sarasota, FL noon-1pm.Weather permitting. Free.
Wed. March 22, 2006
Venice Sunset Serenade Concert (at the new gazebo, Blalock Park, behind the Venice community Center, 3 blocks south of old gazebo).4:30-5:30 PM. Weather permitting. Info: 861-1381.
Wed. March 29, 2006:
Clearwater Farmers Mkt.City Hall pkg. lot,Osceola Street, downtown , Clearwater, FL 11am-1pm
We will be leaving FL for the season on approximately April 9th.
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