The following is Mark and Lisa's schedule of public performances both as their Easy Street duo and with their other groups, Three Way Street and Slippery Sneakers Zydeco Band.
(For audio clips and sample songlist, please paste into your browser): http://www.jaygoodley.com/live/entertainerProfile.aspx?entertainerId=42
To contact us:
(please format correctly): Lisabrande at juno dot com.
MON. NOV 13, 2006
EASY STREET IN CONCERT-VENICE LIBRARY Free. 3-4pm. Sponsored by the library. 300 S. Nokomis Ave, Venice. 941-861-1332
WED. NOV 15, 2006
EASY STREET, Clearwater FL Farmer's Market. Osceola St, Downtown Clearwater. 11am-1pm. Free.
FRI DEC 1, 2006
Easy Street-St. Armands Circle, Holiday Walk. Holiday music on the Circle in Sarasota FL. 6-9pm. Free.
SAT DEC. 2, 2006
Easy Street opens for the Lost Bayou Ramblers at Fogartyville Cafe, Downtown Bradenton, FL. 8pm. Special Cajun repetoire. Info: www.fogartyville.com.
FRI DEC 8, 2006
With our 6 piece band from Rhode Island, Slippery Sneakers (www.slipperysneakers.com), Zydeco dance music at the Fogartyville Cafe. 8-11pm. (Info: www.fogartyville.com).
SUN DEC. 10, 2006
With Slippery Sneakers, holiday party and dance, sponsored by Allon Dancer Tampa Bay dance club. Tentative time 3-7pm in St. Pete area. For details, email Jerry Carrier at:" jerry.carrier at verizon.net" (format this).
WED. DEC. 13, 2006
EASY STREET at Clearwater Farmers Market, see Nov 15 entry for details.
WED JAN 10, 2007 (Louisiana)
EASY STREET at Cafe Des Amis in concert Breaux Bridge, La. 7-9pm.
FRIDAY JAN 19, 2007 (Louisiana)
Easy Street in concert for potluck and concert at the "Town Market" gallery , Arnaudville , La. 8-10pm.
THURS. MARCH 8, 2007
Easy Street. Noontime brown bag lunch concert at Phillipi Park, Rt. 41 S., Sarasota FL. Free. Bring a lawn chair. sponsored by Sarasota Co. Parks and Rec. Info: 941-316-1309.
We have many other performances scheduled, but they are mostly at private retirment communities. Please contact us for availability if you are interested in a performance. We will return to Vermont on May 1, 2007 and will post our schedule for the North at that time, for the summer/fall of '07.